Convert a String to Proper Name Case
Return a String converted to Proper Name case (also referred to as Title Case).
Javadoc available at
public static String properNameCase(String str) {
if (str == null){return str;}
str = str.trim();
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
boolean cap = true;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
if (!cap && str.charAt(i) != ':') {sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(i)));}
if (cap && str.charAt(i) != ':') {sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(i)));}
cap = false;
if(str.charAt(i) == ' ' || // La pierre -> La Pierre
str.charAt(i) == '-' || // Smith-williams -> Smith-Williams
str.charAt(i) == '.' || // St. stephens -> St. Stephens
(str.charAt(i) == '\'' && // start Steven'S -> Steven's or D'arcy -> D'Arcy
(i < str.length() - 2 && (Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(i+1)) != 'S' ||
(Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(i+1)) == 'S' && str.charAt(i+2) != ' '))) ||
(i == str.length() - 2)
) || // end 's Steven'S -> Steven's
( // start Mcneil -> McNeil
(i == 1 || (i > 1 && str.charAt(i-2) == ' ')) &&
Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(i)) == 'C' &&
Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(i-1)) == 'M'
) // end Mc
) // end Top if
{cap = true;}
} // end for
return sb.toString();