Java Tapas
Small bite sized snippets of Java code that are ready-to-run with little or no modification.
Release Info
This site consists of snippets of Java code that can be used by simply copying/pasting/compiling.
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There are direct links to the javadocs on every page of this site. To access the javadoc root index, click here:
A complete JAR file with all source code, compiled classes and javadocs can be downloaded from GitHub here:
If you want to report any bugs or other comments, please submit an issue on GitHub at:
- io
- Copy File NIO
- Create Directory
- Delete Directory Recursively
- Directory Recursive Visitor
- Generate File Hash
- Get File Attributes Using NIO
- Get the Base Name of a File
- Get Files in Directory Recursively
- Get List From File
- Get String From File
- Get String From InputStream
- Print Generic List to File
- Replace text inline in a file
- jena
- Create a new OWL Ontology Model using Apache Jena
- Get Owl Ontology Model Summary Using Jena
- Load an OWL Ontology Model from an OWL file using Apache Jena
- Load an OWL Ontology Model from a String using Apache Jena
- Merge two OWL Ontology Models using Apache Jena
- Write OWL Ontology Model to File using Apache Jena
- lang
- servlet
- sql
- Database MetaData Platform
- Database MetaData Show Tables
- Get Database JDBC Connection
- Get Database Table Column Names using JDBC
- Get Database Table and View Names using JDBC
- Get a Map from a JDBC ResultSet
- Get SQL Create Table DDL Statement using JDBC
- Get SQL Statements from a File
- Pivot a Database Result Set
- Write a JDBC ResultSet to a delimited text file
- string
- Capitalize String Word Or Phrase
- Check If String Is Integer
- Compress a String Using Deflater
- Convert Byte Array To Hexadecimal String
- Decompress a String Using Inflater
- Determine If Two Strings Are Equal
- Encrypt String Using AES Algorithm
- Escape XML String
- Find Regular Expression In String
- Convert a String to Padded Fixed Length
- Get Alpha Numeric String
- Convert a String to Proper Name Case
- Get Random Numeric (Integer) String
- Unencrypt String Using AES Algorithm
- tika
- util